Universidad de los Andes
Associate Professor
Faculty of Economics
Carrera 1 No. 18A-70, Edificio W
Bogotá D.C, Colombia.
Phone: (+57) 601 3394949
E-mail: ariascos@ (
Quantil | Matemáticas Aplicadas
Carrera 45 # 108-27
Edificio Paralelo 108, Torre 2, Oficina 608
Cel. (+57) 318 7834196
E-mail: alvaro.riascos@ (
Colombian Mathematics Society
Chair Applied and Industrial Mathematics Chapter
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Calle 44 No. 45-67 Bloque C Modulo 1 – Oficina 201
Bogotá D.C, Colombia
Curriculum Vitae
Alvaro J. Riascos Villegas studied pure mathematics at the Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá, Colombia. He holds an M.Sc and a Ph.D in applied mathematics from Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics of Rio de Janeiro (IMPA) in Brazil. He has been a visiting professor at the University of California in Los Angeles, IMPA in Rio de Janeiro, Kellogg School of Management in Northwestern University a Visiting Fellow at the International Monetary Fund in Washington D.C., Cowles Foundation for Economic Research at Yale University; a Research Associate at JP Morgan in New York, consultant for the World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank and for nine years a Senior Research Economist at the Central Bank of Colombia. His main academic interests have been the theory of general equilibrium, auction theory, game theory and machine learning applications to public policy. He is the author of the text: Mathematical and Computational Methods in Macroeconomics (Uniandes 2009). In 2005 he joined Faculty of Economics at the Universidad de los Andes where he is currently an associate professor. He is founder and Co-Director of Quantil ( , a company founded in 2008 dedicated to the application of mathematics, analytics and tailored made software for solving industry problems. He also founded the Center for Public Policy Analytics ( and he was a principal member of the Board of the independent system operator of the Colombian electricity grid (XM ESP), the Colombian Mathematical Society and a member of the asset management investment committee of Grupo Bancolombia.
Complete CV – English (2023).
Short CV – English (2023).
Mailing List
Matematicas-Aplicadas-Colombia: Este grupo busca incentivar la comunicación y producción científica de las personas o grupos de investigación que se encuentren trabajando en alguna área de las matemáticas aplicadas en Colombia.